More on Lists
Please carefully read this lesson, it is very important!
I highly recommend you copy and paste code snippets into Python Tutor.
It visualises what is happening and will really aid your understanding!
1. Copy and Deep Copy
1.1. Copying a List
Copying a list is a bit stickier than you might imagine!
Lists are stored using some things called references.
The variable (name) stores the list location in memory.
list1 = [1,2,3]
list2 = list1 # copies the reference to list1
print(f"List 1 = {list1}")
print(f"List 2 = {list2}")
list2.append(4) # this will update both list1 and list2
print(f"List 1 = {list1}") # prints [1,2,3,4]
print(f"List 2 = {list2}") # prints [1,2,3,4]
The above copies the reference to the list object. We can check this by using the id()
id(list1) # something like 140416978254080
id(list2) # will be the same id as above 140416978254080
To copy a list we use the copy()
list1 = [1,2,3]
list2 = list1.copy() # copies the list to a new object and store
print(f"List 1 = {list1}")
print(f"List 2 = {list2}")
list2.append(4) # this will update both list1 and list2
print(f"List 1 = {list1}") # prints [1,2,3]
print(f"List 2 = {list2}") # prints [1,2,3,4]
Now you will see that list1
is not updated when you append to list2
Again we can check this with:
id(list1) # something like 140416978254080
id(list2) # will be a different id e.g. 140404308187456
1.2. Deep Copying a List
There is a caveat. When we have a list of lists, the copy()
method will create copies of the lists, but not new copies of the items in the list.
Again, I strongly suggest that you copy this into Python Tutor and visually understand what is happening.
For example,
demo_list = [[1],2,3]
copy_list = demo_list.copy()
print(id(demo_list)) # these ids will be different
# print item 1 ids
print(id(demo_list[0])) # these ids are the same
# print item 2 ids
print(id(demo_list[1])) # these ids are the same
# print item 3 ids
print(id(demo_list[2])) # these ids are the same
Because the item at index 0 is actually a list and is mutable (see the next section). Changing the items in this list will be reflected in both the orginal list and the copy of the list.
For example,
demo_list = [[1],2,3]
copy_list = demo_list.copy() # do a shallow copy
demo_list[0][0] = "Sam" # change the first item in the first item (this is a list)
print(demo_list) # prints [["Sam"],2,3]
print(copy_list) # prints [["Sam"],2,3]
Yikes, this updated both lists! Be careful.
To fix this you can use the deepcopy()
function. You will need to import the copy module.
import copy
demo_list = [[1],2,3]
copy_list = copy.deepcopy(demo_list) # do a deep copy
demo_list[0][0] = "Sam" # change the first item in the first item (this is a list)
print(demo_list) # prints [["Sam"],2,3]
print(copy_list) # prints [[1],2,3]
Try running the above code in Python Tutor to get a better understanding of this.
2. Immutable vs Mutable
Python differs from other programming languages in that everything is an object.
Some of these objects are immutable (cannot be changed) and some are mutable (can be changed).
Immutable and mutable types are common in most languages and how these are dealt with differs.
2.1. Immutable Types
An immutable type is something that once created cannot be changed. Immutable types you have seen in Python are str
, float
, int
and bool
Consider the following example which uses int
. Here we also use the is
keyword to see if x
and y
are the same object in memory.
x = 1
y = x
print(x is y) # prints True. They are the same object in memory
y += 1
print(x) # prints 1
print(y) # prints 2
print(x is y) # prints False. They are now different objects in memory
The first print(x is y)
prints True
because x
and y
are both attached to the same immutable object 1
The reason the second print(x is y)
prints False
is because to start with x
and y
are attached to the immutable object 1
; however, when we add 1
to y
Python creates a new object and reassigns y
to 2
Now x
points to the object 1
in memory and y
points to the object 2
in memory. Different objects!
2.2. Mutable Types
Lists are mutable. If we do something similar to the above we get a very different result.
Consider the following example which uses list
. Here we also use the is
keyword to see if list_one
and list_two
are the same object in memory.
list_one = [1,2,3]
list_two = list_one
print(list_one) # prints [1,2,3,4]
print(list_two) # prints [1,2,3,4]
print(list_one is list_two) # prints True. They are the same object in memory
When we assign list_two = list_one
both names are pointing to the same object [1,2,3]
in memory.
When we call the append method, we add 4
to the end of the list [1,2,3]
. Both list_one
and list_two
still point to the same list which is now [1,2,3,4]
. Hence print(list_one is list_two)
prints True
We can stop this from happening by using a copy.
Here we assign list_two
to a copy of the object [1,2,3]
in memory. This now means that list_one
points to one object [1,2,3]
and list_two
points to a separate object [1,2,3]
list_one = [1,2,3]
list_two = list_one.copy() # now we create a copy
print(list_one) # prints [1,2,3]
print(list_two) # prints [1,2,3,4]
print(list_one is list_two) # prints False. They are now different objects in memory
The append()
method is now only called on the object attached to list_two
and therefore the object attached to list_one
is not updated. Hence print(list_one is list_two)
prints False
3. Passing by Assignment
WARNING: This is really fundamental and can cause major bugs and errors if you don't understand it.
This section is repeated from Unit 5, but it is so fundamental I want to present it again.
When we pass arguments to functions, what we are actually doing is binding objects to the parameters of the function.
3.1 Passing an Immutable Type
In Python, a variable is just a name (label) that can be attached to an object. When we pass an object to a function, the function parameter is attached to the passed object
In the example below x
will be attached to whatever is passed into the function add_one()
. If you pass in an immutable object, as soon as you try to update the object it will create a new object to reflect the changes.
Remember immutable objects can't be changed.
The following example illustrates this. We pass in a number that is attached to num
and then add 1
. Because we are trying to change an immutable object, we have to create a new object. However, we don't return anything and reassign, so the original variable num_one
is not changed.
def add_one(num):
num += 1 # add one to the local variable x
num_one = 1
print(num_one) # prints 1
print(num_one) # prints 1
We can reflect the changes by returning the result and reassigning it to num_one
def add_one(num):
num += 1
return num # return the new object created by adding 1
num_one = 1
print(num_one) # prints 1
num_one = add_one(num_one) # reassign x1 to the result of add_one()
print(num_one) # prints 2
3.2 Passing a Mutable Type
Try running the code snippets in Python Tutor to get a better understanding of the following.
When you pass a mutable object to a function and change it you are updating the original object. That is, doing something to the object passed to the function doesn't create a new copy, it operates on the same object!
Here is a simple example that adds 4
to the end of a list.
def func_one(items):
""" append 4 to the list. """
# append adds to the end of the list
list_one = [1, 2, 3]
func_one(list_one) # call func_one with list_one
print(list_one) # prints [1,2,3,4] - this has been updated by the function call
The object attached to variable list_one
is first passed to func_one()
and the variable items
is attached to the object.
The function then adds 4
to the end of the list using the append()
method. What happens here is both list_one
and items
point to the mutable list. When it is updated, both are updated as they point to the same object.
Below are some more examples that illustrate passing a list to a function.
def func_one(items):
"""append 4 to the list."""
# append adds to the end of the list
def func_two(items):
"""add the list and [4]"""
# this creates a new object by adding the lists items and [4]
items = items + [4]
def func_three(items):
"""add the list and [4]"""
# again this creates a new object by adding the lists items and [4]
items = items + [4]
# however this time we return the new object
return items
list_one = [1, 2, 3]
func_one(list_one) # call func_one with list_one
print(list_one) # prints [1,2,3,4] - this has been updated by the function call
list_one = [1, 2, 3]
func_two(list_one) # call func_two
print(list_one) # prints [1,2,3] - this has not been updated by the function call
list_one = [1, 2, 3]
list_two = func_three(list_one) # call func_three and bind to the variable list_two
print(list_two) # prints [1,2,3,4] - the new object created by the function call
operates on the original list, this means you don't need to return anything. You could choose to return the list here, but there is no point.
adds the original list and the list [4]
. This creates a new list but we do not return it and therefore we lose the new list.
adds the original list and the list [4]
. This creates a new list and we return it. This means we can use it outside of our function.
I would experiment with these in Python Tutor to make sure you understand what is going on.
3.3 To Return or Not To Return
Generally, if you are operating on a mutable object and you don't need to keep a copy of the original then there is no need to return anything.
If you need the original list intact then you need to copy the original list before you operate on it and return the modified copy. Review Section 1 on Copy and Deep Copy.
=== TASK ===
Copy and paste the following into a new Python file to get started.
def change_list(my_list):
if __name__ == "__main__":
fruit_list = ["Pear", "Orange", "Peach", "Apple"]
print(fruit_list) # prints ["Pear", "Orange", "Peach", "Apple"]
new_fruit_list = change_list(fruit_list)
print(fruit_list) # prints ["Pear", "Orange", "Peach", "Apple"]
print(new_fruit_list) # prints ["Apple", "Banana", "Peach", "Pear"]
There is a function called change_list()
that you need to update.
The function should remove the second item, add "Banana" to the list and then sort the list.
The function should return the modified list without affecting the original list.
An example of how the function should work is given below.
fruit_list = ["Pear", "Orange", "Peach", "Apple"]
print(fruit_list) # prints ["Pear", "Orange", "Peach", "Apple"]
new_fruit_list = change_list(fruit_list)
print(fruit_list) # prints ["Pear", "Orange", "Peach", "Apple"]
print(new_fruit_list) # prints ["Apple", "Banana", "Peach", "Pear"]