MP: The Geek Translator Program
This is an example program from:
Dawson, M. (2010). Python programming for the absolute beginner, third edition (3rd ed.). Delmar Cengage Learning.
The following is a mini-program that demonstrates the use of dictionaries to add, store, remove and access information.
It is a simple word translator program.
My main issue with this program is that it is hard to read. I would generally consider moving the functionality into functions to make it clearer what the main body of the program does. It would be worth rewriting this as an exercise.
Run the code to see what it does.
# Geek Translator
# Demonstrates using dictionaries
geek = {
"404": "clueless. From the web error message 404, meaning page not found.",
"Googling": "searching the Internet for background information on a person.",
"Keyboard Plaque": "the collection of debris found in computer keyboards.",
"Link Rot": "the process by which web page links become obsolete.",
"Percussive Maintenance": "the act of striking an electronic device to make it work.",
"Uninstalled": "being fired. Especially popular during the dot-bomb era.",
choice = None
while choice != "0":
Geek Translator
0 - Quit
1 - Look Up a Geek Term
2 - Add a Geek Term
3 - Redefine a Geek Term
4 - Delete a Geek Term
5 - List Known Terms
choice = input("Choice: ")
# exit
if choice == "0":
# get a definition
elif choice == "1":
term = input("What term do you want me to translate?: ")
if term in geek:
definition = geek[term]
print("\n", term, "means", definition)
print("\nSorry, I don't know", term)
# add a term-definition pair
elif choice == "2":
term = input("What term do you want me to add?: ")
if term not in geek:
definition = input("\nWhat's the definition?: ")
geek[term] = definition
print("\n", term, "has been added.")
# redefine an existing term
elif choice == "3":
term = input("What term do you want me to redefine?: ")
if term in geek:
definition = input("What's the new definition?: ")
geek[term] = definition
print("\n", term, "has been redefined.")
print("\nThat term doesn't exist! Try adding it.")
# delete a term-definition pair
elif choice == "4":
term = input("What term do you want me to delete?: ")
if term in geek:
del geek[term]
print("\nOkay, I deleted", term)
print("\nI can't do that!", term, "doesn't exist in the dictionary.")
elif choice == "5":
for key, value in geek.items():
print(f"Term: {key}")
print(f"Definition: {value}\n")
print("\nThat term already exists! Try redefining it.")