Class Attributes vs Instance Attributes

So far our attributes have belonged to the instance of a class (object).

We can do something else and make an attribute that belongs to the class (type) itself.

1. Instance Attributes

Instance attributes are those that belong to the instance of a class (object). An instance attribute is attached to the instance, by convention, using the word self.

There are used to access the data within a given instance of the class.

You will also hear them referred to as member variables or member fields, especially in other languages.

For example:

class Pet:
  """ A pet class """

  def __init__(self, name, age): = name
    self.age = age

if __name__ == "__main__":
  pet_one = Pet("Fidget", 12)
  pet_two = Pet("Rex", 5)

  # access the pet_one instance attribute name
  print(  # prints Fidget
  print(vars(pet_one)) # print pet_one instance attributes
  print(vars(pet_two)) # print pet_two instance attributes

Prints out:

{'name': 'Fidget', 'age': 12}
{'name': 'Rex', 'age': 5}

You will notice that we printed out vars(pet_one) and vars(pet_two).

vars() returns the __dict__ (dictionary mapping) attribute of the given object. __dict__ is a dictionary that stores the attributes associated with the instance of the class (object). So pet_one.__dict__ stores the attributes associated with pet_one and pet_two.__dict__ stores the attributes associated with pet_two.

You can see that both contain name and age but they have different data because they are separate instances of the class Pet.

2. Class Attributes

As well as having attributes that belong to instances of the class, we can also have attributes that belong to the class.

This simple example now defines a no_pets attribute that belongs to the class, it will track how many instances have been created, i.e. the number of pets.

Notice that it is not attached using self.

class Pet:
  """ A pet class """
  # define a class variable
  no_pets = 0  # number of pets

  def __init__(self, name, age): = name
    self.age = age
    # increment class attribute by 1
    Pet.no_pets += 1

if __name__ == "__main__":
  pet_one = Pet("Fidget", 12)
  pet_two = Pet("Rex", 5)

  # access the class attribute directly
  print(Pet.no_pets)  # prints 2

  pet_three = Pet("Indie", 7)

  # access the class attribute via instance
  print(pet_one.no_pets) # prints 3
  print(pet_two.no_pets) # prints 3
  # access the class attribute directly
  print(Pet.no_pets)  # prints 3

Prints out:


Each time a new instance is created, the __init__() method (constructor) is called. This then increments the class attribute by 1 using Pet.no_pets += 1. Notice that instead of using self, we used the class name Pet.

The example above demonstrates that you can access a class attribute via either an instance or the class itself.

We can list all the attributes and methods of the class using vars().


You will see this has an attribute no_pets, confirming it is a class attribute. You can look up the mappingproxy, but it is sort of a wrapped read-only version of the dictionary. Just see it as a dictionary unless you are overly interested.

mappingproxy({'__module__': '__main__', '__doc__': ' A pet class ', 'no_pets': 3, '__init__': <function Pet.__init__ at 0x7ff0bd764b80>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Pet' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Pet' objects>})

3. Instance Namespace vs Class Namespace

Beneath the hood, Python is using something called namespaces.

"A namespace is a mapping from names to objects. Most namespaces are currently implemented as Python dictionaries, but that’s normally not noticeable in any way (except for performance), and it may change in the future.

Examples of namespaces are the set of built-in names (containing functions such as abs(), and built-in exception names); the global names in a module; and the local names in a function invocation. In a sense, the set of attributes of an object also forms a namespace.

The important thing to know about namespaces is that there is no relation between names in different namespaces; for instance, two different modules may both define a function maximize without confusion — users of the modules must prefix it with the module name."

Python Scopes and Namespaces

In the following example, we access the class attribute no_pets via the instance and the class.

class Pet:
  """ A pet class """
  # define a class variable
  no_pets = 0  # number of pets

  def __init__(self, name): = name
    # increment class attribute by 1
    Pet.no_pets += 1

if __name__ == "__main__":
  pet_one = Pet("Fidget", 12)
  # access the class attribute via instance
  # access the class attribute directly
  print(Pet.no_pets)  # prints 3

What is happening here is that when we try and access it using pet_one.no_pets, Python looks in the instance namespace, that is it looks in pet_one.__dict__. When it fails to find this, it then looks in the class namespace, that is Pet.__dict__.

The instance namespace always takes precedence over the class namespace.

Do not do the following, it is just an example to illustrate a point.

We can do the following, define a class attribute and an instance attribute with the same name, e.g. name.

class Pet:
  """ A pet class """
  # define a class variable
  name = "Pet"  # number of pets

  def __init__(self, name): = name
    # increment class attribute by 1

if __name__ == "__main__":
  pet_one = Pet("Fidget")
  # access the class attribute via instance
  # access the class attribute directly

Which will print:


This is because the instance pet_one looks at its namespace first and finds name, so it uses that.

You can check by printing out the instance and the class namespaces.


Prints outs,

{'name': 'Fidget'}



prints out:

mappingproxy({'__module__': '__main__', '__doc__': ' A pet class ', 'name': 'Pet', '__init__': <function Pet.__init__ at 0x7fa1c82aeaf0>, '__dict__': <attribute '__dict__' of 'Pet' objects>, '__weakref__': <attribute '__weakref__' of 'Pet' objects>})

=== TASK ===

Create a class called Circle.

Your class should have one instance attribute named radius.

It should also have a class attribute called pi set to a value of 3.14159.

print(Circle.pi) # prints 3.14159

Also, create two methods called area() and circumference().

area() Method

You can calculate the area using pi * radius**2. Remember that pi will be a class attribute and radius an instance attribute, so you will have to amend the formula appropriately.

circle_one = Circle(10)    # create an instance of a Circle with radius 10
circle_two = Circle(5)     # create an instance of a Circle with radius 5

circumference() Method

You can calculate the area using 2 * pi * radius. Again, remember that pi will be a class attribute and radius an instance attribute, so you will have to amend the formula appropriately.

circle_one = Circle(10)    # create an instance of a Circle with radius 10
circle_two = Circle(5)     # create an instance of a Circle with radius 5

Getting Started

You can get started by copying and pasting the following into a new Python file.

class Circle:

if __name__ == "__main__":
  c1 = Circle(10)        # create an instance of a Circle with radius 10
  c2 = Circle(5)        # create an instance of a Circle with radius 5